Monday 26 November 2018

unit 2.2 assignment

  1. An outline of your film magazine and its purpose
  2. Who is the target audience and did you decide this from your initial research
  3. Production costs, you have completed research on this, but how much would yours cost, make sure you are included, production, crew, location, props etc (more detail that is tailored your own original idea)
  4. Where would you market your magazine/distribute it
  5. What would be the cost?
  6. How many times would it come out each year (monthly quarterly ??)
  7. Make sure you include information from your data that you collected in the first assignment.

 I have created a report on my film magazine which I have gone more in depth with my film magazine regarding its costs, how often I will be releasing my film magazine which will be changing due to the success I receive from my first publish. I will also being talking about my marketing and my target audience which have a big part to play with the making of the magazine.

1. outline of my film magazine and its purpose 

I have made a film magazine cover with an article page which will include reviews from different member of the audience and will also include exclusive interviews from the cast of the film that is featured in the magazine. The main genre I will promote in my film magazine is horror as I believe that this is the biggest trend happening in this day and age which will attract people to pick up and buy the magazine.The purpose of my film magazine is for new up and coming horror films to be promoted in my film magazine which will get more publicity by being in the magazine. Another purpose is to give feedback to audience, who are considering watching a film that has a big hype by comments from other member of the audience and the cast. The main purpose for this magazine is to make money at the end of the day which will help me to improve and include to new ideas in the magazine. 

2. Target audience

I have decide to go with focusing my information to young people  between the ages of 15-24 years old. The reason why I have chosen this target audience is because through my research, these was the ages that was attracted the most toward horror films and also the age that wants to explore and find new films to watch instead of watching just the big films in the cinema. Taking a look at what gender was more drawn to the horror magazine was female as it is proven they are more likely to read from the magazine and are easily attracted to the horror as it makes them feel out of their comfort zone but brave if they can watch the film throughout. The questionnaire also helped me to come to this conclusion to choose my target audience which also supported my initial research.  

3. Production costs 

This first year I will limited to the amount of stock I will be making due to funds, I will have at the start of making the magazine. I will need to provided a crew team which will help me deliver the product which will cost me money to hire them. The team that will ensemble will have a standard payment at month of £ 350 each as i will have five people at the start of the production which will include me as the head of the production. i have considered many options of where i am going to locate where my office and where my production is going to be created. I have decided to go with a place in Duncannon street, London WC2N. The price is measured by how many people we have within the which will start with 5 people. The price per person is £425 which is a total of £2,125 that I will pay for a month to hold the space but I know that it will increase as time goes on as there will be more people being introduced to the business. To make my film magazine, the cost will be for the design of the magazine will be £3.50 per page and will be having 30 pages in total, which will result in £105 for the magazine. The price for copying and printing is £2.50 each copy. I plan to make 60 copies of my magazines which will result in paying out £150  to print them.  The delivery fee will be £7.00 which order with Hermes which will I will split with the business purchasing my goods. The total of making the magazine is £255 plus the team wages and the renting of the office will result in paying out £7560 for my first publish of the magazine. 

4. Market and distribute the magazine

i would base my magazine in London as many people from the age of 16-25 are based in London which will help me to sell my magazines faster. I also have decided to distribute to locate shops as they will more interested in buying a lot of stock and selling it in there shop. In my first year of my magazine I will want to distribute around the whole of London which will limit shops of how many supplies they will have of the magazine. 

5. total cost

The total of making the magazine is £255 plus the team wages and the renting of the office will result in paying out £7560 for my first publish of the magazine.

6. how many times a year

My magazine will come out once month for people to buy and read. the reason why have decided to publish my magazine monthly is because I want people to keep coming back which will require constant content from my side of the magazine. I also decided to go with monthly as this will be the first year my magazine will have come out  which will help if I do this monthly to get my magazine out there in the world. 

 In conclusion,  these are all the areas which I have analysis to make my final magazine.  

Tuesday 30 October 2018

task 7 and 8

My first question was what gender are you, which will help me to analysis which gender will be interested in buying and reading my film magazine. It also tells me what films to feature which from my result will swing more what films males are mainly into.           

With these results, this helps me what target audience i should go for when picking each film to put in my magazine. The age is important because it will help me with the price range of the magazine in order for them to afford and want to buy my magazine.

The price gives me an idea of what people can afford and are willing to spend on a film magazine, which will help me with my final design of my film magazine and how much i would charge for each of them. The result has shown that £1.49 is what people would appeal to more regarding to buying the magazine.
The result given from my questionnaire shows that the people i am trying to appeal to, don’t tend to read film magazine, which gives me an in site that my content in the film magazine needs to be different and exciting which will getting more customers coming in and buying the magazine.


This question helps me to see what my audience is interested by reading a magazine. Once again my result came back as most of them don’t read any magazines which doesn’t help me too much with getting to know my audience.
The audience have given more of an in site of what appeals read magazines on film. Many have spoken toward interviews where people have watched and commented on the film.                                                 

Many of questionnaires came back as they go monthly which means they would want to regularly and see new films which they could see before in my magazine.

Once again pictures was the main attraction toward my audience which will tell me to add more pictures in my magazine which will get them buying in the end.

task 5

task 4

Monday 29 October 2018

analysis results

Gender Age often read film magazinepricetype articleother magazineoften cinemaappealsonline or printed copy
male18never£1.49interviewteen magazine weeklypicturesprinted
male16never£1.49interviewn/amonthly n/aonline
female 16rarely£1.49reviewsn/amonthlypicturesonline
female17once in a while£1.49interviewn/amonthlyinterviewonline
female17never£2.49interviewfashion magazine weeklyfinding new film online
male17rarely£2.49interviewsportsmonthly photos online